
The Org Documentor is configured via a JSON file, typically located in the project's config directory. You can find an example configuration file in the sample metadata repository.

The configuration file supports the following properties:

  • title - the title displayed in the jumbotron on the index page

  • subtitle - the subtitle displayed in the jumbotron on the index page

  • objects - configuration for the custom object metadata documentation

    • name - used internally

    • columns - see the Columns section below

    • description - the description displayed on the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the objects page

    • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the objects page

    • subdirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata is stored in

    • reportDirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata documentation will be stored in

    • image - the image that is displayed in the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • suffix - deprecated, will be removed in a future release

    • groups - array of object groups to be documented

      • <groupName>

        • name - used internally

        • title - title displayed on the Objects page and the group page

        • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the objects page

        • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the objects page

        • description - subtitle displayed on the group page

        • objects - comma separated list of the API names of the objects in the group

        • columns - see the Columns section below

  • triggers - configuration for the trigger metadata

    • name - used internally

    • description - the description displayed on the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the objects page

    • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the objects page

    • subdirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata is stored in

    • reportDirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata documentation will be stored in

    • image - the image that is displayed in the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • suffix - deprecated, will be removed in a future release

    • groups - array of trigger groups to be documented

      • <groupName>

        • name - used internally

        • title - title displayed on the Triggers page and the group page

        • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the triggers page

        • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the triggers page

        • description - subtitle displayed on the group page

        • triggers - comma separated list of the API names of the objects in the group

  • auraenabled - configuration for the auraenabled classes metadata

    • name - used internally

    • description - the description displayed on the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the objects page

    • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the auraenabled page

    • subdirectory - the parent directory for the permission set, profile, aura/lightning web component and apex class metadata required by this processor

    • reportDirectory - the subdirectory the auraenabled metadata documentation will be stored in

    • image - the image that is displayed in the tile for the auraenabled metadata on the index page

    • suffix - deprecated, will be removed in a future release

    • groups - array of aura enabled groups to be documented

      • <groupName>

        • name - used internally

        • title - title displayed on the Objects page and the group page

        • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the auraenabled page

        • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the auraenabled page

        • description - subtitle displayed on the group page

        • auraenabled - comma separated list of the API names of the aura and lightning web components in the group

  • flows - configuration for the flow metadata

    • name - used internally

    • description - the description displayed on the tile for the flow metadata on the index page

    • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the flows page

    • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the flows page

    • subdirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata is stored in

    • reportDirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata documentation will be stored in

    • image - the image that is displayed in the tile for the flow metadata on the index page

    • suffix - deprecated, will be removed in a future release

    • groups - array of flow groups to be documented

      • <groupName>

        • name - used internally

        • title - title displayed on the Flows page and the group page

        • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the flows page

        • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the flows page

        • description - subtitle displayed on the group page

        • flows - comma separated list of the API names of the flows in the group

  • orderofexecution - configuration for the flow metadata

    • name - used internally

    • description - the description displayed on the tile for the object metadata on the index page

    • backgroundColor - the background colour of the jumbotron for the objects page

    • color - the text color for the jumbotron for the objects page

    • subdirectory -deprecated, will be removed in a future release

    • reportDirectory - the subdirectory the object metadata documentation will be stored in

    • image - the image that is displayed in the tile for the object metadata on the index page


The columns attribute is an array containing the columns to render for the custom field documentation.

The default value for the columns attribute is :

["Name", "Label", "Type", "Description", "Info", "Page Layouts", "Security", "Compliance", "In Use", "Encrypted"]

The columns attribute can be left as the default, defined in the objects stanza, in which case it will apply to all groups, and overridden in one or more groups.

The columns render the following output:

  • Name - the API name of the field

  • Label - the label of the field

  • Type - the type of the field

  • Description - the description of the field

  • Info - Additional information about the field. The contents vary depending on the field type, for example, a roll up summary field would contain the text Roll Up Summary, the operation and the field being summarised.

  • Page Layouts - lists the page layouts that the field is used in. If the field isn't used in any page layouts, the column background is set to #f5dfea

  • Security - the securityClassification value for the field

  • Compliance - the complianceGroup value for the field

  • In Use - the businessStatus value for the field

  • Encrypted - if the field is encrypted via Salesforce shield, includes the text true and the encryption mechanism.